
Why medical evidence matters in workers’ compensation appeals

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers
Jun 03, 2024

Medical evidence plays a significant role in workers’ compensation appeals. As a result, it can significantly affect the outcome, making it vital for employees to understand its importance.

According to the North Carolina Industrial Commission, medical evidence serves as a basis for proving the extent and nature of a work-related injury or disease. If you want to challenge the denial of your workers’ compensation claim, how can you include solid medical evidence in your appeal?

Types of medical evidence

Medical evidence provides data that can confirm an employee’s account of their pain and suffering. Without strong medical evidence, it can be challenging to prove the severity of the injury or disease they suffered due to work. Moreover, they can submit several types of medical evidence to enhance their appeal:

  • Medical records: These include doctor’s notes, test results and treatment plans. They must contain a thorough history of the injury or disease as well as the treatment received.
  • Medical opinions: These are statements from medical professionals about the employee’s condition. They can include views on the cause of the injury or disease, expected recovery time, and any lasting injuries or ailments.
  • Medical bills: These serve as proof of the financial impact of the injury or disease. They can help show the need for compensation to cover various medical costs.

Meanwhile, an employee can obtain solid evidence by keeping detailed records, such as medical appointments, bills, prescriptions and treatments. In addition, they should ensure that their pieces of evidence are admissible.

Seeking the compensation you deserve

Medical evidence can be a powerful tool in workers’ compensation appeals. With legal guidance, you may gather and present the necessary evidence to boost your appeal. Moreover, you may go through the appeal with a greater understanding of the process as you aim to seek the compensation you deserve.

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