
Changing weather brings renewed work injuries concerns

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers
Dec 02, 2021

Anyone who works outdoors knows just how much changing temperatures can affect safety. While hot temperatures are often emphasized when it comes to worker safety, cold weather also increases the risk of work injuries. North Carolina workers are more likely to suffer slip and fall accidents in particular as the temperature decreases.

Fall risk factors

Wet, cold and icy weather creates the perfect conditions for slip and fall accidents and injuries. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) there are two different categories of these types of accidents: same level and elevated. Same level falls are like falling on a sidewalk or flooring, and they are more common. Elevated falls occur from heights, such as:

  • Scaffolds
  • Roofs
  • Stairs

Elevated falls tend to cause bigger and more serious injuries than same level falls. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) points out that some of the biggest risk factors for elevated falls is the lack of protected edges and sides. Unprotected edges and sides make it easy for someone to fall from a significant height. In addition to protecting ledges, employers should also keep work surfaces clean and free from hazards.

Anyone who has suffered a slip and fall accident understands just how serious the aftermath can be. Many victims need to take weeks, months or even longer off work to focus on their recoveries. This can take a significant toll on one’s finances, which is why many victims choose to pursue benefits for their work injuries through North Carolina’s workers’ compensation system.

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