When the temperatures rise, so does the risk of experiencing certain types of injuries while you are working. Heat-related injuries and illnesses are real issues for some North Carolina workers, and it is beneficial for you to know how to protect yourself while working outdoors during the hot summer months. Knowing the signs that could indicate the onset of a heat-related illness may help keep you safe and prevent the development of a more serious issue.
If you do become ill as a result of your job requirements, you may have grounds to pursue support through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. This will allow you to seek what you need to get better and eventually return to work. It is in your interests to know how to stay safe while at work, as well as how you can seek the help you need in the event you should file a claim.
Working outdoors can come with certain risks, especially during times of the year when the temperatures are extreme. Construction workers, agricultural workers, mail delivery persons, landscapers and others who work in the heat will need to be especially careful when the heat index and humidity rises. Signs that a worker’s body is not adequately handling the physical requirements of working in the hear include weakness, rash, headache, cramping, heat exhaustion and more. The most serious type of heat-related injury is heat stroke.
Since many workers cannot simply stop doing their jobs outdoors, it is critical for employers to take the necessary steps to keep them as safe as possible. The prevention of heat-related illnesses begins with training to teach employees how to recognize the signs of heat illness and how they can stay safe. They can also allow workers to take shorter shifts, provide adequate water, rotate work hours, allow for regular breaks and more.
If you are suffering from the implications of a heat-related illness after working outdoors, you could havegrounds to pursue a workers’ compensation claim. Illness is a valid reason to file a claim, yet you may find that it can be a complicated process to secure what you need for a full and fair recovery. Before you file a claim, you may benefit from an assessment of your case to determine your specific legal options.