On January 1, 2022, our Industrial Commission will resume live or “ in person” hearings at the deputy commissioner and Full Commission levels.
Deputy Commissioners can still allow video hearings upon a showing of good cause. In-person hearings will follow the COVID-19 safety protocols for the county courts where the hearing is held or for the building in which the hearing is held, whichever are more restrictive.
The Full Commission hearings will be live, unless the parties consent to a video hearing on the appeal. The parties can consent on the revised Joint Certification Form and, if not, the Commission will reach out to the parties. Either party can ask the Commission to appear remotely by telephone. The Full Commission hearings will follow the safety protocols of the Wake County courts, unless otherwise ordered.
For the local safety protocols in North Carolina counties, please follow this link: https://www.nccourts.gov/covid-19