Despite hopes to the contrary, the Industrial Commission has ordered all deputy commissioner hearings in January and February 2022 to take place through its WebEx platform, unless otherwise ordered by the deputy commissioner. Full Commission hearings will be videoconferences during these months. The Commission has changed its earlier reversion to “live” workers’ compensation hearings based on the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases and in the interests of public health and safety.
As of March 1, 2022, all deputy commissioner hearings will again be scheduled in-person, unless otherwise ordered by deputy commissioners on their own or on a motion by a party upon a showing of good cause. The Full Commission will also try to have in-person hearings in March 2022, unless the parties consent to a videoconference as indicated on the revised Joint Certification Form.
To learn more, follow this link to the Industrial Commission’s “Latest News” webpage: news.html #hot.