There may be numerous scenarios in which an incident at work could place the safety of those involved at significant risk. Burn injuries remain a prevalent issue in many professions and the fallout of such an incident could have a lasting impact on the lives of workers in North Carolina. Evaluating the most common causes of burn-related workplace accidents could be integral to takings steps to protect against similar issues.
Experts indicate that one of the most common causes of burn injuries at work may stem from exposure to or contact with hot surfaces or materials. Even brief contact with hot surfaces could prompt severe health ramifications. Studies indicate that thermal burns could also occur during workplace explosions and finding ways to stave off similar safety hazards may be vital to reducing incident risks.
Burn-related injuries can also stem from exposure to certain chemical substances and chemical burns can also prove hazardous in nature. Another common cause of burn injuries may pertain to shock or electrocution. Faulty tools and exposed power lines are just two examples of issues that could lead to a greater risk of electrical burns at work.
Workplace accidents involving burn hazards can leave workers facing various types of hardships in life. Along with the physical pain and suffering involved, such incidents could also prompt severe financial challenges that might accompany high medical costs and a loss of wages during recovery. Individuals in North Carolina who encounter such issues might consider speaking with an attorney for guidance on all their available options and assistance in preparing to navigate every step of the workers’ compensation claims process.