
Category Archives: Workers’ Compensation

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Preparing to file a workers’ compensation claim

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers

Suffering an injury during a work-related incident can be a stressful and harrowing experience. Along with any physical pain and suffering involved, the incident could also lead to loss of wages during the recovery period, which could place a person in North Carolina under significant…

The best course of action after a denied workers’ comp claim

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers

After a work accident, you could find yourself struggling to keep up with your medical bills and other needs you now have as a result of your related injuries. Even if you filed a workers’ comp claim, you may not get the help you need…

Reducing the risks of fall-related workplace accidents

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers

There may be various types of safety hazards that could be present in almost any field or profession. Fall-related incidents continue to affect the lives of many workers in North Carolina and the fallout of such incidents can carry devastating ramifications. Understanding some of the…

Workplace injuries in the supply chain

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers

Almost everyone in North Carolina relies on a strong, robust supply chain. The men and women who work along all stages of the supply chain help keep shelves stocked and packages arriving as expected. While they play a pivotal role, some employers do not fully…

Filing an appeal for a denied workers’ comp claim

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers

Suffering an on-the-job injury is often a life-altering experience. Dealing with those changes is not easy, especially when you are also trying to focus on your recovery. This is where workers’ compensation benefits are supposed to help you bridge the financial gap that your injury…

North Carolina Workers’ Compensation Hearings are Back to WebEx in Early 2022

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers

Despite hopes to the contrary, the Industrial Commission has ordered all deputy commissioner hearings in January and February 2022 to take place through its WebEx platform, unless otherwise ordered by the deputy commissioner. Full Commission hearings will be videoconferences during these months. The Commission has…

When is an injury considered work-related?

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers

Suffering a serious injury can be a life-altering event that affects someone for the rest of his or her life. When that injury is work-related, getting help via North Carolina’s workers’ compensation system is often key to the recovery process and minimizing potential negative outcomes,…

Getting back to your job after a workplace injury

On Behalf of The Sumwalt Group Workers' Comp and Trial Lawyers

A workplace injury can cause disruption in various areas of your life. You may be unable to work, yet you could have medical bills accumulating due to your injuries. This is much more than an inconvenience in your life, and you may wonder what this…