Knee pain can impact virtually every aspect of your life, from enjoying exercise to completing even the simplest of household tasks. If your own knee injury happened at work, it is essential that you get the right help and treatment as soon as possible. Unfortunately,…
Although there are many laws and regulations that are meant to prevent accidents in the workplace, worker injuries are still strikingly common in North Carolina. These injuries can — and often do — take a significant physical and emotional toll on workers, too. Here are…
While some eventually people recover from on the job injuries, others suffer life altering consequences. For example, traumatic brain injuries can make it particularly difficult for victims in North Carolina to return to their former positions or to re enter the workforce ever again. Occupational…
Whether posting on Twitter or scrolling through Facebook, social media is an integral part of many people’s lives. There are times when it is a good idea to refrain from using these platforms. For example, victims of workplace injuries might want to be careful with…
The summer months will bring higher temperatures and more humidity to North Carolina, affecting those who work outdoors. Construction workers may be among those adversely affected by the heat, and it is important to know how to stay safe during the hottest months of the…
Construction workers in North Carolina face a wide range of on-the-job risks, but there could be a complicating factor that many people are not aware of — time. A recent study found that the time of day and how many hours someone has worked greatly…
Working around loud machinery or tools can put a profound strain on one’s hearing, which may eventually translate to hearing loss. As a workplace injury, hearing loss often goes on to affect virtually all other aspects of a person’s life. Without the proper ear protection,…
Vernon Sumwalt will teach “Legal and Evidentiary Standards of Disability” at the NCAJ’s 26th Annual Workers’ Compensation Roundtable, a virtual continuing legal education course for workers’ comp lawyers who represent injured workers in North Carolina, on April 9, 2021. For more about the seminar, go…